Impact Investing

Serving the Underserved While Promoting the Growth of God's Kingdom

GuideStone believes that all Christians are called to be a light to the world (Matt. 5:16), and our desire to be a witness for Christ has shaped everything we have done for more than a century.

Over fifty years ago, we developed our first faith-based investing policy so that we could reflect biblical principles by excluding those investments that we deemed incompatible with our moral and ethical posture as a Christian organization. Since that time, we have instituted a corporate engagement program to dialogue with companies to encourage beneficial change. But exclusionary screening and corporate engagement efforts can only go so far in promoting positive, long-lasting change in our world.

GuideStone's Impact Themes

Human Dignity & Advancement

Investing in organizations that seek to improve health care and provide advancements in technology, education and employment training.

Sanctity of Life & Spreading the Gospel

Investing in organizations that seek to protect life, enhance living conditions and proclaim the Gospel.

Stewardship of God's Creation

Investing in organizations that seek to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of life-sustaining resources such as water and land.

Through the Impact Equity Fund and the Impact Bond Fund, we seek to effect real change in the world for God’s glory and the benefit of those He created. Our Impact Funds allow investors to make a meaningful difference in the world around them while preparing for their financial future.

A World Transformed by Christian Investing

Furthering our commitment to impact, GuideStone has committed to donating 20% of the revenue we earn from the Impact Equity Fund and the Impact Bond Fund to Christian ministries that promote our three impact themes: sanctity of life and spreading the Gospel, human dignity and advancement and stewardship of God’s creation. Since the Funds’ inception, we have donated over $300,000 across multiple ministry projects.

Impact in Action

How exactly will you experience the GuideStone difference?
Send Relief
(Human Dignity & Advancement)
Through SendRelief, we supported the training of nearly 300 Christian widows in Nigeria to sustain themselves through home enterprises such as the preparation and sale of traditional foods, tailoring or knitting. Weekly discipleship sessions are held and, through this outreach, nonbelieving widows in the community who are in great need are welcomed into the group as well.
(Spreading the Gospel)
Through its own proprietary streaming platform and YouTube channel, Minno offers gospel-centered content in a safe, faith-based environment for capturing children’s imaginations and the nurturing of young minds. In a world where kids have increasing access to objectionable, age-inappropriate content, GuideStone believes that Minno is a key combatant to that trend.
Psalm 139 Project
(Sanctity of Life)
When provided a glimpse of the life within them, the majority of women in an unplanned pregnancy will choose life. The Psalm 139 project is an innovative initiative aimed at spotlighting the life-saving potential of ultrasound technology in such situations. This project empowers pregnancy centers to minister to abortion-vulnerable women through furnishing ultrasound equipment.

About the GuideStone Impact Funds1,2

The GuideStone Impact Equity Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation. The Fund employs an actively managed, manager-of-managers strategy. The majority of the Fund is invested in a diversified mix of global publicly traded equity securities, with a targeted allocation to illiquid alternative investments.

The GuideStone Impact Bond Fund seeks to maximize total return through capital gains and current income while preserving capital value. The Fund employs an actively managed, manager-of-managers strategy. The majority of the Fund is invested in a diversified mix of global publicly traded fixed income securities, with a targeted allocation to illiquid alternative investments.

Strategy and Sub-Advisor Summary

Impact Equity Fund
Janus Capital Management
Global all-cap equity strategy with a core-to-growth orientation.
More Details
Impact Bond Fund
RBC Global Asset Management
Conservative core strategy with a focus on security selection and sector rotation.
More Details

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Talk to our GuideStone Funds team today.

1 Sub-Adviser Composites are subject to change at any time. The percentages shown reflect the target allocations of the Funds. Actual Sub-Adviser weights may differ at any time.

2 GuideStone Capital Management, LLC (the "Adviser"), the adviser to the Funds, invests directly in private investments, and may invest in other securities, on behalf of the Fund. The Adviser also maintains a sub-advisory agreement with Parametric Portfolio Associates LLC ("Parametric") under which Parametric will provide completion portfolios within the Funds, as instructed by the Adviser. The Adviser's private investments are long-term holdings of the Funds in line with its strategic asset allocation. The Adviser's private investments in securities and Parametric's "completion portfolios" are used to assist in preserving the desired risk exposures for the Funds in furtherance of its investment objective. These other securities and completion portfolios that are short-term in nature are not included in the target allocations of the Funds to sub-advisers listed above.

There can be no guarantee that any strategy (risk management or otherwise) will be successful. All investing involves risk, including potential loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

An investment in the Fund involves risks that can significantly affect the Fund’s performance, including Credit Risk, Below-Investment Grade Securities Risk, Derivatives Risk, Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities Risk, Faith-Based Investing Risk, Fixed Income Securities Risk, Foreign Securities Risk and Market Risk.

Impact Investing — The Funds’ impact investing criteria could cause the fund to perform differently compared to funds that do not apply such criteria. Successful application of the Funds’ impact investing strategy will depend upon the Adviser’s and each sub-adviser’s skill in properly identifying and analyzing impact investing issues. Investments made may not generate the amount of positive impact that was intended when the investment was made.

Funds invested in accordance with the faith-based investment restrictions of GuideStone Financial Resources may not be able to take advantage of certain investment opportunities due to these restrictions, which may adversely affect investment performance.

Foreign Securities Risk — Obligations or securities of foreign issuers may be negatively affected by political events, economic conditions or inefficient, illiquid or unregulated markets in foreign countries.

You should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the GuideStone Funds® before investing. A prospectus with this and other information about the Funds may be obtained by calling 1-888-GS-FUNDS (1-888-473-8637) or downloading one. It should be read carefully before investing.

GuideStone Funds shares are distributed by Foreside Funds Distributors LLC, not an adviser affiliate. Foreside is not a registered investment adviser and does not provide investment advice.